The e-Asia Joint Research Program (the e-Asia JRP) in the collaboration with PMU-B The 14th Joint Call for Proposals in the Field of Health Research
Objectives :
The e-ASIA Joint Research Program (hereinafter referred to as the “e-ASIA JRP”) aims to develop a vibrant and collaborative research community in Science and Technology, to promote innovation in the East Asian region, and to contribute to the region’s economic development. As part of the program, the Member Organizations of the e-ASIA JRP listed below have agreed to implement a joint call for proposals of multilateral cooperative research activities.
Fields/ Topic for proposal : Health Research
Health threats and emergencies related to climate change-induced diseases, or the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Personalized Medicine.
Eligibility/Additional requirements
- Applicants applying as a Lead PI in Thailand must be researchers who are either Thai citizens or non-Thai citizens affiliated with a Thai organization, such as a public or non-profit research institute or university in Thailand.
- The proposal must have the researchers from Thailand at least 2 institutes/universities to cooperate with.
- Proposal topics must align with and focus on “Health Research” : Health threats and emergencies related to climate change-induced diseases, or the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Personalized Medicine.
- A project leader is an individual with expertise who is affiliated with a government research unit or a higher education institution nationwide and has a research track record that demonstrates their practical knowledge and abilities.
- The project leader should have publications in international academic journals as a Corresponding or First Author, with at least 5 publications in the past 5 years or as specified by PMU-B.
- The budget should be within the specified limit.
- Thai applicants must submit their application and endorsement letters from all research partners to PMU-B through NRIIS:
- The Thai applicant’s institution must endorse the submission in the NRIIS system.
- Deadline of submission to NRIIS System by 17:00 (Indochina Time, UTC+7) on 31 March 2025
- The Lead PI must also submit the common application to the e-ASIA JRP Secretariat.
- The entire submission process must be completed before the closing date.
The total budget for the Thai researcher over a full 3-year period is up to 5,000,000 THB per project. The budget for a project may differ each year, depending on the content of activities and compliance with PMU-B financial guideline (please find details via PMU-B website:
Note: For more information on qualified researchers, please visit the PMU-B website and download the manual and see the 14th Call Guidelines.
How to Apply
- Lead PI must submit proposal to the e-ASIA JRP Secretariat’s E-mail:
- Thai applicants must also submit the PMU-B proposal to PMU-B through NRIIS: with;
- Letter of Support (LOS) : Researchers from each participating institution in Thailand must have a letter of support from their home institution, signed by an authorized representative of the institution/organization (P.S. The format and content of LOS forms can vary from one institution to another. Please contact your institution for guidance on completing their LOS form) and/or
- Supporting Documents e.g. The CV from Thailand Project Leader and co-researchers
Application forms
- Common applications shall be written in English and provided in a proper format (find the “Common application form” or download at
- Thai principal investigators can find the application form for submission in the NRIIS at the following link: (PMU-B Proposal Download). This proposal can be written in English or Thai. (Only “Executive Summary” part must be written in Thai)
Proposals will be peer-reviewed and evaluated by Thai external experts. The final selection will be done by the international selection committee of e-ASIA. To be funded, proposals must be internationally competitive. It should lead to the advancement of the research field, or novel applications or increase of research capacity.
Key evaluation criteria are:
- Significance and impact of the research
- Scientific Rationale: novelty, importance and timeliness of the research
- Capabilities of the research team
- Design and feasibility of the project plan
- Partnership: including strength and clarity of collaborations and opportunities provided, quality of the project management structure proposed
- Quality and suitability of the research environment and of the facilities
- Ethical considerations and governance arrangements
Contact Information
Dr.Sonthaya Chaiarwut (Mr.)
Senior Project Analyst, Global Partnership for Sustainability & Society
Program Management Unit for Human Resources & Institutional Development,
Research and Innovation (PMU-B), Thailand
Tel: +66 2109 5432